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Functions for reloading auto and foreign fields.


reload(x, ...)

# S3 method for rezrDF
reload(df, rezrObj, fields = "")

reloadLocal(df, fields = "")

reloadForeign(df, rezrObj, fields = "")



The rezrDF you want to modify.


The entire rezrObj.


The fields of the rezrDF you would like to modify.


The modified rezrDF. reloadLocal reloads only auto fields; reloadForeign reloads only foreign fields. Foreign fields are always updated before auto fields. If the fields parameter is not available, I will find the best update order; otherwise, I will use the order you provide except for the rule where foreign fields are updated first.


reload.rezrObj is planned for a future release, but not yet available


sbc007$tokenDF = changeFieldLocal(sbc007$tokenDF, fieldName = "text", expression = case_when(text == "<0>" ~ "∅", T ~ text))
sbc007$entryDF = sbc007$entryDF %>% reloadForeign(sbc007)
sbc007$unitDF = sbc007$unitDF %>% reload(sbc007)
sbc007$unitDF %>% filter(str_detect(text, "∅")) %>% rez_select(id, text) %>% head
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   id            text                                                            
#>   <chr>         <chr>                                                           
#> 1 2752E3B395FC1 (...) ∅ Stay up late .                                          
#> 2 8487A33D1DF2  (...) ∅ Kinda defeats the purpose of getting up in the morning .
#> 3 786FB0DC8416  (...) I wan na ∅ spend time with Ron ,                          
#> 4 3171F4905628A (.) If we sit down and ∅ set some rules ,                       
#> 5 37BE6893BC78E (H) ∅ going to (...) our parents ,                              
#> 6 7B0D1EF95CEF  and (...) ∅ complaining about one another ,