Select columns in a rezrDF
The main difference with dplyr select is that attributes will be updated to remove fields no longer there. There are no other differences at the moment.
sbc007$trackDF$default %>% rez_select(id, name, text)
#> # A tibble: 236 × 3
#> id name text
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1096E4AFFFE65 Mary I
#> 2 92F20ACA5F06 Mary I
#> 3 7E5BB65072C Trail 87 was n't gon na do
#> 4 1F74D2B049FA4 Staying up late this
#> 5 2485C4F740FC0 Mary <0>
#> 6 1BF2260B4AB78 Staying up late Stay up late
#> 7 6B37B5A80F2A Staying up late <0>
#> 8 259C2C2979B6C the purpose of getting up the purpose of getting up in the mor…
#> 9 1D1F2B7054E32 getting up in the morning getting up in the morning
#> 10 1FA3806680C84 the morning the morning
#> # ℹ 226 more rows