Combine information from multiple entries in a lower-level source table to a higher-level target table.
Combine information from multiple entries in a lower-level source table to a higher-level target table.
simpleDF = NULL,
complexNodeMap = NULL,
higherFieldnames = "",
seqName = "docTokenSeq",
tokenListName = "tokenList",
simpleDFAddress = "",
complexNodeMapAddress = "",
rezrObj = NULL,
fieldaccess = "foreign"
- simpleDF
The rezrDF containing simple information (source rezrDF).
- complexDF
The rezrDF to contain complex information from the simple table (target rezrDF).
- complexNodeMap
The node map corresponding to the complex (target) rezrDF
- fieldnames
The field names in the simple rezrDF whose information is to be extracted.
- higherFieldnames
The field names in the complex rezrDF whose information is to be extracted.
- action
The action to be performed on the data from the source rezrDF
- seqName
The name of the sequence field in the source (simple) rezrDF.
- tokenListName
The name of the list of foreign keys in the target table.
- simpleDFAddress
An address to the simple (source) rezrDF, e.g. 'unitDF' or 'chunkDF/refexpr'. Only needed if you want an automatic update function, i.e. for 'foreign' fields.
- complexNodeMapAddress
An address to the complex (target) rezrDF. You don't need the 'nodeMap/' oart or the layer; just type the name of the entity (e.g. track, chunk). Only needed if you want an automatic update function, i.e. for 'foreign' fields.
- rezrObj
A rezrObj object.
- fieldaccess
The field access value of the field. If not set to foreign, no update function will be automatically added.
The modified target table (complexDF). Most use cases should be handled by other functions like addUnitSeq and addIsWordField. If you do call this function, do note that the rezrDF you are changing is the second parameter, not the first. As such, piping should be done like this: someDF %>% getSeqBounds(simpleDF, ., complexNodeMap, ...)