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Add unit sequence information to different levels of rezrObj.


addUnitSeq(rezrObj, entity, layers = "")



The rezrObj object


The name of the Rezonator entity that you will be changing - track, rez, chunk, token, unit, stack, etc.


The layers to which unit sequence information is to be added.


The rezrObj object with unit sequences in the entity desired, plus all levels below. For example, if your entity is 'track', you will see unitSeq information on token and chunk too, but not rez.


sbc007_withunits = addUnitSeq(sbc007, "track")
head(sbc007_withunits$trackDF$default %>% select(id, text, unitSeqFirst, unitSeqLast))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   id            text              unitSeqFirst unitSeqLast
#>   <chr>         <chr>                    <dbl>       <dbl>
#> 1 1096E4AFFFE65 I                            2           2
#> 2 92F20ACA5F06  I                            2           2
#> 3 7E5BB65072C   was n't gon na do            2           2
#> 4 1F74D2B049FA4 this                         2           2
#> 5 2485C4F740FC0 <0>                          3           3
#> 6 1BF2260B4AB78 Stay up late                 3           3
sbc007_withunits = addUnitSeq(sbc007, "stack")
#> Error in UseMethod("left_join"): no applicable method for 'left_join' applied to an object of class "character"
head(sbc007_withunits$stackDF %>% select(id, unitSeqFirst, unitSeqLast))
#> Error in select(., id, unitSeqFirst, unitSeqLast): Can't subset columns that don't exist.
#>  Column `unitSeqFirst` doesn't exist.