Get turn IDs from turn position annotations (deprecated)
Get turn IDs from turn position annotations (deprecated)
annoScheme = defaultScheme,
sior = "new",
bc = "noTurn",
turnAnno = "turnPos"
- unitDF
of the text.- annoScheme
A character vector specifying the annotations used for the start and end of turns, backchannels, (self-initiated) other-repairs, and extra-turn content, as well as single-line instances of such. The default scheme is as follows: c(turnStart = "", turnEnd = "turnEnd", turn = "turnEnd", bcStart = "bcStart", bcEnd = "bcEnd", bc = "bc", siorInitiate = "SIORInit", sior = "SIOR", siorStart = "SIORStart", siorEnd = "SIOREnd", noTurn = "noTurn", noTurnStart = "noTurnStart", noTurnEnd = "noTurnEnd"). If you wish to deviate from this default, simply enter a vector with the deviating entries, e.g. c(turnStart = "turnStart", turn = "turn") if you want to annotate turn starts and single-unit turns directly.
- sior
If new, then self-initiated other-repairs are treated as a new turn.
- bc
If 'noTurn', then backchannels are treated as turnless. If 'turn', then backchannels belong to the previous turn.
- turnAnno
The field name of the turn annotations in the Rez file.